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Ynt: Özgür Datvi !
My dear friends,
I will not repeat what we have said so far. Karacabey is an old place established for the dancing bears but Datvi and some other bears are captured by human, although they are born completely free.
The reason that I do not want Datvi to go there is the lack of enough conditions for a free-born creature. Pro Animal Representative Lutz Stamm does not understand this, I do not continue a campaign against them or just an individual fight.
That's the problem: Many creatures in Turkey are unfortunately go orphan due to the poachers. Some of them die due to hunger and thirst in their nests and some of them are captured by human.
I unfortunately see that the lady in Karacabey lack enough knowledge and competency in understanding bears. If she was a person who carved the title given by the government, we would not be talking about this subject, event not come across such a situation. Since she is not performing her job well, the problem now consists of us and everyone who has conscience... Now, please let's look at the problem by the view of all, not only theirs or ours...
Will we emasculate the baby bears taken from the natures and put them in a cage with dancing bears or prepare an environment which will let them continue their own lifes?
The lady in Karacabey blames me about Datvi, she is right. I am guilty because I am a photographer and the way I look after Datvi may be wrong, but how will she look after the other 7 baby bears given to her? Did she prepare them for the wild life? Did she teach them how to be nourished without the support of human? If she taught those, now let her leave the baby bears with Datvi to the forest; and we will see which of them will survive...
Let's ask these questions to ourselves as well as other people who are interested in this subject, the common conscious will find the best way. If Mrs. Nilüfer Aytuğ did not give what she expected from me to the baby bears, I think she has to waive her title and her job...Because she is the owner of this problem and many other creatures will suffer unless she changes her attitude...
Cemal Gülas
Cemal' Alıntı:Değerli gönül dostlarım,
Başından beri söylediklerimizi tekrarlamayacağım... Karacabey danscı ayılar için kurulmuş eski bir merkezdir ama datvi ve oradaki bazı ayılar özgür doğduktan sonra insanların eline düşmüştür bunda herkesin hemfikir olduğunu sevinerek görüyorum...
Benim datviyi oraya göndermek istememem buradaki şartların özgür doğmuş bir canlıya göre olmayışındandır...
Lutz Stamm PROANIMALE yetkilisi hala konuyu anlayamamış, burada kişisel bir kavga ya da onlara karşı bir kampanya yürütmüyorum...
Burada sorun şu : "Türkiye de maalesef kaçak avcılık nedeni ile her yıl onlarca canlı öksüz kalıyor ; bir bölümü yuvalarında açlık ve susuzluktan ölürken bir bölümü de insanların eline geçerek sıkıntıya düşüyor..."
Bu hayvanların gerçek bir iyileştirme merkezine ihtiyacı var...
Karacabeydeki hanfendinin ayıları anlayacak bilgi ve deneyimde olmadığını maalesef üzülerek görüyorum ,eğer o bu ülkenin kendisine verdiği unvanını hak eden biri olsaydı bu sorunları bizler ne yaşardık nede konuşması gerekirdi ; o görevini yapmadığı için ve gelişemediği için sorun bizlere kadar ulaştı ve vicdan sahibi herkesi rahatsız ederek konunun içine çekti... Şimdi olaya onlar ve biz açısından değil hepimiz açısından bakalım lütfen...
Doğadan alınan yavruları hadım edip danscı ayılarla aynı kafesemi koyacağız yoksa onların hayatlarını sürdürmelerine fırsat verecek bir ortam hazırlayabilecekmiyiz?
Karacabeydeki hanfendi datvi konusunda beni suçlu ilan ediyormuş haklıdır ben suçluyum çünkü ben bir fotoğrafcıyım ve onu yetiştirme yöntemim yanlış seçilmiş olabilir, ama o kendisine teslim edilen diğer yedi yavruyu nasıl yetiştirdi? doğal ortama hazırladımı? insana muhtaç olmadan beslenmeyi öğrettimi?.. öğrettiyse datvıyle birlikte getirip ormana salsın bakalım hangısı doğada var olmayı başaracak...
Biz bu soruları hem kendimize hemde konu ile ilgilenenlere soralım ortak akıl doğruyu mutlaka bulacaktır... Nilüfer hanım eğer benden beklediğini o yavrularea veremediyse bence mesleğinden ve unvanından feragat etmeli... Çünkü bu sorunun sahibi o dur bu onun işidir; tutumunu bu şekilde sürdürdüğü sürece onun yüzünden başka canlılar acı çekecektir...
Cemal Gülas
My dear friends,
I will not repeat what we have said so far. Karacabey is an old place established for the dancing bears but Datvi and some other bears are captured by human, although they are born completely free.
The reason that I do not want Datvi to go there is the lack of enough conditions for a free-born creature. Pro Animal Representative Lutz Stamm does not understand this, I do not continue a campaign against them or just an individual fight.
That's the problem: Many creatures in Turkey are unfortunately go orphan due to the poachers. Some of them die due to hunger and thirst in their nests and some of them are captured by human.
I unfortunately see that the lady in Karacabey lack enough knowledge and competency in understanding bears. If she was a person who carved the title given by the government, we would not be talking about this subject, event not come across such a situation. Since she is not performing her job well, the problem now consists of us and everyone who has conscience... Now, please let's look at the problem by the view of all, not only theirs or ours...
Will we emasculate the baby bears taken from the natures and put them in a cage with dancing bears or prepare an environment which will let them continue their own lifes?
The lady in Karacabey blames me about Datvi, she is right. I am guilty because I am a photographer and the way I look after Datvi may be wrong, but how will she look after the other 7 baby bears given to her? Did she prepare them for the wild life? Did she teach them how to be nourished without the support of human? If she taught those, now let her leave the baby bears with Datvi to the forest; and we will see which of them will survive...
Let's ask these questions to ourselves as well as other people who are interested in this subject, the common conscious will find the best way. If Mrs. Nilüfer Aytuğ did not give what she expected from me to the baby bears, I think she has to waive her title and her job...Because she is the owner of this problem and many other creatures will suffer unless she changes her attitude...
Cemal Gülas