Ynt: Özgür Datvi !
Eva' Alıntı:
Cemal Gülas has answerd in less than 24 hours.
We are all very glad about his words.
People from all over the world look at him full of anticipation.
Will he bring Datvi back?
Datvi, halte durch!
Datvi, think through!
best regards
Answers of Cemal GULAS to the questions of Eva xxxx;
Q = Question/Frage / A = Answer/Antwort
Are there any plans to admit all 62 bears from the shelter in Karacabey,into the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize as to return them to their natural environment?
Yes,there is a plan like that. The 104 square kilometers of land we have reserved is a true piece of nature, all wildlife environment and without any human settlement on it. The bears will be set free in the farmost part of this land ,at first they will be helped to find their foods easily around the shelter and they will find the opportunity to improve their curiousity and ability to find food for themselves after than.. Later on they will only come to the shelter region whenever they could not find enough food..
Will this planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize match high standards of for example the Barenpark Worbis.?
I have not inspected the related Nature Park yet, but my friends are working on it. I think the existing systems should be applicated in this area, where bear families still have a
Natural life here without seeing any humans. My wish is to establish a worldclass Standard area here and I see the necessary land conditions present here.
Will the bears in this planned Nature Park for bears in Rize be fed on “natural” food.?
First of all, existing bears in the shelter have been living totally separated from the nature and in custody since many years, so they will first continue to be fed from the shelter by human help,but with natural food .. Later on they will improve their ability to find food for themselves in the nature..
I was feeding DATVİ here in that way; I was only giving him milk and helping him to find his own food in the natural habitat..After checking his escriment, I saw that this method was succesful in feeding him naturally.
Will the bears in this planned Nature Parks for bears in Rize be kept in cages?
There will never be cages for the bears. If there will be any cage; this would be for humans like the park staff and the people coming for observation to separate them from the bears territory.
What will be the actual size of the planned Nature Park for bears in Rize?
At first step, I think we will be active in an area of around 104 square kilometers..The aerial map of the land can be seen in www.gezenbilir.com/datvi as taken from googleearth..
Will the bears in this planned Nature Park for bears in Rize be hindered to have their winter sleep ?
No, they will live like bears and nobody will hinder them to live their habits.. Infact,DATVİ has made a cave for him in a quiet corner of the forest and he would be in his winter sleep if he was not taken into custody..
Will the bears in this planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize, have to be available for research ?
Not for research, but controlled observation could be done with special permissions in restricted areas..
Will the bears in this planned Nature Park for bears in Rize, have to be available for pharmaceutical purpose?
I think we should never permit something like that. We all see what this kind of people have done to our planet.
Do you intend to establish a webcam in the planned Nature Park for the bears in Rize ? ( as in the Barenpark Worbis)
Let me give you an example to dream this land better; There are some valleys that humans have not entered untill today. So, maybe around service buildings and social facilites,this could be done.. Covering the whole territory will be a huge cost and maybe done in some restricted areas ..
Will there be a website in the planned Nature Park for bears in Rize? Will there be a newsletter?
I have not thought about this side of the case. But,I think a website could be interesting to keep the love to animals alive and to complete the knowledge between species..
Will there be the possibility to visit the planned Nature Park for bears in Rize.
Visitors can be admitted around the service area, and a few observation point (with binoculars) could be available. These should be decided with common mind,but my personal view; İt is better not to admit visitors,besides the officials and staff..
İs this still your intention to bring Datvi back to the area near your house in Rize? Which is familiar to him? Are you at this moment trying to get permission from the management of Nature Preservation and Forests to do so..?
Datvi will be coming to the same park infact, The area which he was living,is a small part of the park territory. The existing laws in Turkey,do not permit people to feed wild animals in the open air without cages. I did not intend to send Datvi to the shelter because of its conditions,otherwise , I am not a fan of feeding a wild animal in my backyard.. I was in contact with the authorities to establish a shelter here, now I have got faster for the same purpose..
Would you (for this pilot Project “ Babystation”) take the little baby bear as well ,who,according to the news of the pres,become DATVİ’s friend in Karacabey? So that Datvi would not be completely alone.. ?
Even if DATVİ would not be taken away, I was willing to establish a place here (like Datvi’s) and bring the baby bears first from Karacabey. Karacabey Shelter is not a rehabilitation center for returning the bears into nature, that is an isolation camp at all. I have accepted to feed and take care of Datvi,just because of this reason..I knew that all the bears including the baby ones, which are taken to this shelter are emasculated and taken out of the genetic pool.. Thats why I tried to keep this baby bear out of this custody.. Now,I have that feeling more strongly,and I invite every interested person to start a dsicussion on this so called shelter where no bears at all was returned to nature and where all baby bears have been emasculated.. The emasculation should be questioned soon..
I do not intend to visit Datvi in the so called shelter,because I can not bare , seeing him under custody,like seeing your child in a prison and not being able to get it back.. İf he sees me
there and looks my eyes, I should have taken him back to home..
Thanks for everyone for your interest and support..
Best Regards..
Cemal GULAS / Photographer/ Videographer
Not at all Eva, you're very welcome
Cemal Gulas 24 saatten az bir zaman icinde sorularimizi cevapladi.
Bunun icin ona mutesekkiriz.
Dunyanin her yanindan insanlar heyecanla onu izliyor.
Datvi'yi geri getirebilecek mi?
Datvi, umudunu kaybetme!
Eva'nin sorularina Cemal Gulas'in yanitlari:
S = Soru / C= Cevap
Karacabey'de bulunan 62 ayinin tumunu dogal cevrelerine donmelerini saglamak uzere Rize'de planlanan Ayilar icin Dogal Park'a gondermek gibi bir plan var midir?
Evet, boyle bir plan var. Tahsis ettigimiz 104 km2 alan gercek bir doga parcasi, icerisinde insanlarin yasamadigi, tumuyle yabanil bir cevre. Ayilar bu alanin en uzagindaki bolumde serbestce dolasabilecek. Baslangicta barinak yakinlarinda yiyeceklerini kolayca bulabilmeleri icin kendilerine yardimci olunacak ve bu zaman zarfinda kendi kendilerine yiyecek bulmalari icin merak ve yeteneklerini gelistirecekler. Daha sonralari barinak bolumune sadece yeterli yiyecek bulamadiklari zaman gelecekler.
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Park, ornegin, Barenpark Worbis'teki gibi yuksek standartlara uymakta midir?
Bahsettiginiz Dogal Park'i henuz incelemedim, fakat arkadaslarim uzerinde calisiyorlar. Sanirim mevcut sistem bu alana da uygulanmali, ayilar insanlarla karsilasmadan dogal yasamlarini surdurebilmeli. Benim dilegim dunya capinda standart bir alan kurmak ve burada gerekli arazi kosullarinin mevcut oldugunu goruyorum.
Rize'deki planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilar 'dogal' yiyeceklerle mi beslenecekler?
Oncelikle, barinaktaki ayilar yillardir gozetim altinda ve dogal hayatlarindan tumuyle koparilmis durumda yasadiklari icin, baslangicta insanlarin yardimiyla barinaktan beslenecekler, ama dogal gidayla... Daha sonralari dogada kendi kendilerini besleme becerisini kazanacaklar.
Ben DATVI'yi bu sekilde besliyordum; ona sadece sut veriyordum ve dogal cevrede kendi yiyecegini bulmasi icin yardim ediyordum. Diskisini inceledigimde, bunun dogal olarak beslenmesi acisindan basarili bir yontem oldugunu gordum.
Rize'deki bu Dogal Parkta ayilar kafeslerde mi tutulacaklar?
Ayilar icin asla kafesler olmayacak. Ancak park calisanlari veya gozleme amaciyla gelen kisileri ayilarin bolgesinden ayirmak amaciyla insanlar icin kafesler olabilir.
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkin gercek buyuklugu ne kadar olacak?
Ilk asamada, sanirim 104 km2 kadar bir alan icinde faaliyet gosterecegiz. Arazinin googleearth'den alinan havadan gorunumu www.gezenbilir.com/datvi adresinde gorulebilir.
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilarin kis uykularina yatmalari engellenecek mi?
Hayir, ayi gibi yasiyacaklar ve hickimse onlari aliskanliklarindan alikoymayacak. Aslinda, DATVI kendine ormanin kuytu bir kosesinde bir in yapmisti ve eger gozetim altina alinmasaydi su anda kis uykusunda olacakti...
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parktaki ayilar arastirma icin kullanilacaklar mi?
Arastirma icin degil, ama kisitli yerlerde ozel izinle kontrollu gozlemler yapilabilir.
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilar ilac sektoru icin kullanilacak mi?
Bence bu tur seylere asla izin vermemeliyiz. Bu tur insanlarin gezegenimizi ne hale getirdiklerini hepimiz goruyoruz.
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parka webcam sistemi kurmaya niyetleniyor musunuz? (Barenpark Worbis'teki gibi)
Size bu arazinin nasil bir yer oldugunu gozunuzde daha iyi canlandirabilmeniz icin bir ornek vereyim: Bugune kadar insan ayagi basmamis vadiler var. Onun icin belki hizmet binalari ve sosyal tesisler civarinda boyle bir sistem kurulabilir. Tum araziyi kapsamasi cok buyuk bir maliyet getirir ve belki sadece kisitli alanlarda kurulabilir...
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parka ait web sitesi olacak mi? Dergi olacak mi?
Konunun bu yanini hic dusunmemistim. Ama sanirim bir web sitesi hayvan sevgisini yasatmak ve turler arasindaki bilgileri tamamlamak acisindan ilginc olabilir...
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parki ziyaret mumkun olabilecek mi?
Ziyaretciler hizmet alani civarina girebilir, ve bazi gozleme noktalari (durbun ile) yapilabilir. Bunlar ortaklasa alinacak kararlar, fakat benim sahsi gorusum, resmi gorevliler ve personel disinda ziyaretci kabul edilmemesi..
Haa Datvi'yi kendisine tanidik olan Rize'deki evinizin yakinina getirmek niyetinde misiniz? Bunun icin su anda Dogayi Koruma ve Ormancilik Yonetiminden izin almaya calisiyor musunuz?
Datvi de ayni parka gelecek ve aslinda yasadigi alan park arazisinin kucuk bir bolumuydu. Turkiye'deki mevcut yasalar insanlara acikta kafes disinda yabani hayvan beslemelerine izin vermiyor. Datvi'yi kosullarindan dolayi barinaga gondermek istemedim, yoksa arka bahcesinde vahsi hayvan beslemeye merakli biri degilim... Yetkililerle buraya bir barinak yapilmasi icin temasa gecmistim, simdi ayni amac icin hizimi artirdim...
Basindaki haberlerde belirtildigi sekilde, Karacabey'de Davti'yle arkadas olan bebek ayiyi da (bu 'Bebek Bakim Noktasi pilot projesi icin) Datvi'nin tamamen yalniz kalmamasi icin alacak misiniz?
Datvi alinmasaydi bile, burada (Datvi'ninki gibi) bir alan kurmayi ve oncelikle Karacabey'deki bebek ayilari buraya getirmeyi istiyordum. Karacabey Barinagi ayilari dogal ortamlarina dondurmek icin bir rehabilitasyon merkezi degil, orasi tamamen bir techir kampi. Datvi'nin bakim ve beslenmesini sadece bu yuzden kabul ettim. Bu barinaga konulan, bebek ayilar dahil, tum ayilarin kisirlastirildigini ve soylarini devam ettiremediklerini biliyorum. Bu yuzden bu bebek ayiyi gozetimlerinden cikarmak istedim. Simdi bunu daha da kuvvetli hissediyorum ve ilgilenen herkesi, hicbir ayinin dogal yasamina dondurulmedigi ve butun bebek ayilarin kisirlastirildigi barinak adi verilen bu yerle ilgili tartisma acmaya davet ediyorum. Kisirlastirma islemi derhal sorgulanmalidir...
Datvi'yi adi gecen barinakta ziyaret etmek istemiyorum, cunku onu gozetim altinda gormeye dayanamam, bu tipki cocugunuzu hapishanede gormek ve onu ordan cikaramamak gibi birsey... Eger beni orada gorur ve kendisini eve goturmem gerekirdi dercesine gozumun icine bakarsa...
Hepinize ilgi ve desteginiz icin tesekkur ederim.
Cemal Gulas / Fotografci / Kameraman