Ynt: Özgür Datvi !
Eva' Alıntı:
Dear Cemal Gülas,
Dear Lutz Stamm of Pro Animale,
There is a list of questions concerning ProAnimale and the intended Nature Park for Bears in Rize. These questions keep coming in again and again. They prove an immense interest in this case. People from Canada to Florida, from Berlin to New York wish that a Nature Park for Bears should be provided eventually, where bears could live in their natural environment and where they will not be misused in any way.
I am pleased to transfer these questions to you:
( Please note that this is not the objekt of my personal view)
- Is it right that, since they took over the Shelter Station in 2000, ProAnimale or their representatives did not set free a single bear to live in its natural environment?
- Is it possible that ProAnimale or their representatives are not interested in freeing the bears of Karacabey, because the bears have to be available for different research projects done by ProAnimale or their representatives ( or by any third party )?
- Are the bears in Karacabey kept off their wintersleep by ProAnimale or their representatives?
Probably for reasons of research?
- ProAnimale is a German society. According to German Laws ProAnimale should be obliged to publish their rules and ( the names ) of their seven members including the treasurer. The rules of ProAnimale can’t be inspected anywhere.
Why did ProAnimale never publish their rules like any other registered society? This should be done immediately.
- Does ProAnimale have any interest to improve the situation of the bears in Karacabey, even now, in this present place?
- Are there any official ressorts , one or more, to controll ProAnimale in Karacabey?
- Is it the opinion of ProAnimale and / or their representatives that Karacabey matches the natural environment of the bears?
- How many people are constantly working at Karacabey? In which realms? How many of them are professionally trained?
- How is Datvi? Why aren’t there any new informations? Why aren’t there any new photographs?
For a better understanding of the situation there are of course some ( similar ) questions concerning Cemal Gülas and the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize!
Are there any plans to admit all 62 bears from the shelter in Karacabey into the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize as to return them to their natural environment?
Will this planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize match the high standards of, for example, the Bärenpark Worbis? www.bear.de/
Will the bears in this planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize be fed on “natural” food?
Will the bears in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize be kept in cages?
What will be the actual size of the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize ?
Will the bears in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize be hindered to have their wintersleep?
Will the bears in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize have to be available for research?
Will the bears in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize have to be available for pharmaceutical purpose?
Do you intend to establish a Webcam in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize?
Will there be a Website in the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize? Will there be a newsletter?
Will there be the possibility to visit the planned Nature Park for Bears in Rize?
( As in the Bärenpark in Worbis? )
Is it still your intention ( as you told us via Mesut ) to bring Datvi back to the area near your house in Rize, which is familiar to him? Are you at this moment trying to get permission from the Management of Nature Preservation and Forests to do so?
Would you ( for this pilot project “Babystation”) take the little baby bear as well , who , according to the news of the press , became Datvi’s friend in Karabacabey? So that Datvi would not be completely alone?
If Datvi returns to Rice as soon as possible, together with his new friend, this could be understood worldwide as a symbol for all the 62 bears from the Shelter Station to follow him to Rize - into the new Wildlifepark/Bärennaturpark within the next half year.
A caravan of bears returning to freedom in their homeland!?
By the help of Cemal Gülas and his friends?!
By the help of the professional and cooperative attitude of ProAnimale?
With kind regards,
Sevgili Cemal Gulas,
ProAnimale'dem Sevgili Lutz Stamm,
ProAnimale ve Rize'de kurulmasi niyetlenen Dogal Park ile ilgili sorular bulunmaktadir. Bu sorular surekli gelmeye devam etmektedir. Bu da konuya iliskin buyuk bir ilgi oldugunu kanitlamaktadir. Kanada'dan Florida'ya, Berlin'den New York'a kadar bircok insan, ayilarin dogal ortamlarinda yasiyabilecekleri ve hic bir sekilde kotu amacla kullanilmayacaklari Ayilar icin Dogal Park kurulmasini istemektedir.
Asagidaki sorulari sizlere iletmekten memnunluk duyuyorum:
(Bunlar benim sahsi gorusum degildir)
- 2000 yilinda Barinak Istasyonu'nu devraldiklarindan beri, ProAnimale'in tek bir ayiyi bile dogal ortamina salmadiklari dogru mudur?
- ProAnimale veya temsilcilerinin Karacabey'deki ayilari salivermekle ilgilenmemelerinin nedeni bu ayilarin ProAnimale ya da temsilcileri (ya da ucuncu sahislar) tarafindan cesitli arastirma projelernde kullanilmak uzere tutuluyor olmasi olabilir mi?
- ProAnimale bir Alman dernegidir. Alman yasalarina gore ProAnimale kurallarini ve hazinedarlari dahil olmak uzere 7 uyesinin isimlerini yayinlamak zorundadir. ProAnimale kurallari hicbir yerde incelenememektedir. ProAnimale neden diger kayitli dernekler gibi kurallarini yayinlamaz? Bunun derhal yapilmasi gerekir.
- ProAnimale'in Karacabey'deki ayilarin durumlarini, simdi bulunduklari yerde bile, iyilestirmek gibi bir kaygisi var midir?
- ProAnimale'i Karacabey'de kontrol eden bir ya da birkac resmi merci var midir?
- Karacabey'in ayilarin dogal cevresine uydugu gorusu ProAnimale ve/veya onlarin temsilcilerine mi aittir?
- Karacabey'de surekli kac kisi calismaktadir? Hangi alanlarda? Kaci profesyonel egitim almistir?
- Datvi nasil? Neden yeni bilgi yok? Neden yeni fotograflar yok?
Durumun daha iyi anlasilabilmesi icin elbette Cemal Gulas ve Rize'deki planlanan Ayilar icin Dogal Parkla ilgili (benzer) sorular bulunmaktadir!
Karacabey'de bulunan 62 ayinin tumunu dogal cevrelerine donmelerini saglamak uzere Rize'de planlanan Ayilar icin Dogal Park'a gondermek gibi bir plan var midir?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Park, ornegin, Barenpark Worbis'teki gibi yuksek standartlara uymakta midir?
Rize'deki planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilar 'dogal' yiyeceklerle mi beslenecekler?
Rize'deki bu Dogal Parkta ayilar kafeslerde mi tutulacaklar?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkin gercek buyuklugu ne kadar olacak?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilarin kis uykularina yatmalari engellenecek mi?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parktaki ayilar arastirma icin kullanilacaklar mi?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parkta ayilar ilac sektoru icin kullanilacak mi?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parka webcam sistemi kurmaya niyetleniyor musunuz?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parka ait web sitesi olacak mi? Dergi olacak mi?
Rize'de planlanan bu Dogal Parki ziyaret mumkun olabilecek mi? (Worbis'teki Barenpark gibi)
(Mesut araciligiyla bildirdiginiz gibi) hala Datvi'yi kendisine tanidik olan Rize'deki evinizin yakinina getirmek niyetinde misiniz? Bunun icin su anda Dogayi Koruma ve Ormancilik Yonetiminden izin almaya calisiyor musunuz?
Basindaki haberlerde belirtildigi sekilde, Karacabey'de Davti'yle arkadas olan bebek ayiyi da (bu 'Bebek Bakim Noktasi pilot projesi icin) Datvi'nin tamamen yalniz kalmamasi icin alacak misiniz?
Eger Datvi yeni arkadasiyla beraber Rize'ye bir an once donerse, Koruma Istasyonu'ndaki tum 62 ayinin da onlarin arkasindan onumuzdeki 6 ay icinde Rize'ye - yeni Yabani Hayat Parki/Barennaturpark'a gitmeleri icin dunya capinda bir sembol olarak anlasilir.
Vatanlarinda ozgur olmaya giden ayilar kervani?
Cemal Gulas ve arkadaslarinin yardimlariyla?!
ProAnimale'in profesyonel ve isbirlikci tutumuyla?