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Ynt: Özgür Datvi !

I don't want discuss like two children and you are older than me. It doesn't matter for me either you can take my ideas before or after confirmation because they are the final idea that you can reach at the end after reading the whole literature and making inquiries. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior comes generally from popular documentary makers and this is not the first case that I came across because popular journalists supposed that they know everything after reading some popular science and animal behavior magazines. I am making some comments about growing a cub and they are useful for taking your consideration into some other aspects of your work. Because understanding animals is not a simple issue, please watch the "bear man", it is a good bear documentary.

For foreigners, Kackar mountains is one of the best summer high plateaus that attracts mountaineers, travelers, tourists, picnickers and transhumant or nomadic people, hunters, researchers etc. People come together and make local folk dance (dance of horon) till morning especially during summer especially in Kavron and Ayder high plateaus. There are some places seems far away for human being is very close for bears to travel (like from Samistal to Palovit, Kavron or Ayder or Çamlıshemşin).

For 5-10 years, one unknown issue has been emerged in Kaçkar Mountains because brown bears started to feed on from dump deposition areas. Dumps in this area are thrown down near to a slope of a hill and bears have been getting accustomed to feed on human processed foods and probably many of them have intestinal illness due to parasites and eating or chewing nylon bags and metal tins in a polluted area. This happened because tourism activity in the area raised  and local people left their old kind of living and increased consuming of packet foods and metal tins so that being able to give good serving for tourists. Then, tourists and locals produced more garbage and they are not natural as it was before. I don’t think most of the locals and national park director are not aware of the situation. 

I really appreciate establishing of a rehabilitation centre and convincing national park authorities and local people in terms of the sustainability of centre and releasing of orphan cubs after one or two year scientific and expert education. I hope that other orphan cubs in the planned rehabilitation center don't share the same future with Datvi and Cemal Gulas learn how to behave towards orphan cubs and not insisting on emotional behaviors because other local people can also want to imitate him and they can not be good people.

Best wishes,




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